– In the Sejm over a month waiting to publish another civic project – the Committee “Save Women 2017”, which seeks to liberalize the current rules ws.

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Poles believe that the situation in Poland is heading in the wrong direction [POLL CBOS] “The survey results concerning the representativeness of the political scene for the most part coincide with the survey studying support for individual groups. Support for PiS declared in a poll conducted on May 5-12 23 per cent. surveyed – 25 percent at the same time. It indicates the PiS as a representative of their views and interests; Modern if the ratio is 12 percent. to 14 per cent., PO – 11 percent. up to 10 percent. The largest gap between the support and the identification of the views of the party noted kukiz’15 – 5 percent. respondents declared support, and 9 percent. He believes that the group best represents their interests. 3 percent. of the respondents supports both the PSL and considers this party as the proper representative of the views and interests.

In the case of the SLD is 2 percent. support, 3 percent. representation. Played: Total KORWIN and recorded a score of 2 percent. in both polls. The emergence of new political parties and initiatives as a result of the recent elections clearly influenced the survey results – concludes CBOS. As noted, the Poles now not only more likely to feel represented, but also more likely to find a moiety that is familiar to them, less likely to distance themselves to the whole spectrum of political parties. “Decomposition has so far been maintained since years the quasi-two-party system forces. He gained the PiS, while clearly lost the Continue reading